Church of Saint Vitus
Location: Hinterland, N 45 07.551, E 14 36.808
Until ‘the year 1100 after the birth of Christ’ (‘let od Hristova rojstva 1100’), the pastoral village located one kilometre from Dobrinj was nameless. Thanks to the ‘famous Dobroslav’ (whoever he might be), this nameless village got a church and was named after its patron, while the Dobrinj Parish (‘kapitul’) got the material goods. All this is written in italic letters in Listina slavnog Dobroslava, one of the oldest and most important old-Croatian diplomatic documents. Not far from the Chapel of Saint Vitus (Crkvica Svetog Vida) and a 14 metre high bell-tower, there are remnants of old stone pastoral dwellings, a ruinous belvedere and a recently renovated cross which has been bearing witness to a solemn promise kept by an anonymous soldier for more than two centuries now.